The Art of Versification
By J. Berg Esenwein & Mary Eleanor Roberts 1913 THE HOME CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOL, Springfield, Mass. First edition, very good condition, 311 pages, 7.5 by 5.25 inches. $14.00 1601001
Also found in: General Reference
Mayflies: New Poems and Translations
By Richard Wilbur 2000 HARCOURT, INC., New York. Stated first edition, first printing, near mint condition, 80 pages, 8.25 by 5.5 inches. $12.00 1601002
Interpretations of Poetry and Religion
By George Santayana 1918 CHARLES SCRIBNER'S SONS, New York. Very good condition, 290 pages, 7.5 by 5 inches. $17.00 1601003
The Complete Poetical Works of John Milton
Edited by William Vaughn Moody 1924 HOUGHTON MIFFLIN COMPANY, Boston. Very good condition, 419 pages, 7.75 by 5.5 inches. $14.00 1601004
Selections From the Poetry of Robert Browning
Edited by William Avery Barras 1925 F. M. AMBROSE COMPANY, New York. Very good condition, 172 pages, 6.5 by 4.25 inches. $24.00 1601005

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