The Art of Italian Cooking
Maria Lo Pinto 1948 DOUBLEDAY & COMPANY, New York. Presumed first edition, very good condition, 222 pages, 8.5 by 5.75 inches. $42.00 Sold 0302001
The Pacific Hostess Cookbook
Lamora S. Gary 1956 COWARD-McCANN, INC., NEW YORK. First edition, very good condition, dust jacket very good condition, 256 pages, 8.75 by 5.75 inches. $19.00 0302002
James Beard's Fish Cookery
James A. Beard 1954 Little, Brown and Company. New York. Stated first edition, very good condition, 460 pages, 8.25 by 5.25 inches. $20.00 0302003
The Fannie Farmer Cookbook
Marion Cunningham 1996 ALFRED A. KNOPF, New York. Thirteenth edition, Centennial edition, Very good condition, 874 pages, 9.5 by 7 inches. Illustrated by Lauren Jarrett. $22.00 0302004

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